Maintaining a lush lawn can be a tedious task unless you follow certain recommendations daily. Even if your lawn has grass blades that are not as healthy, you can revive the condition of your lawn with a little dedication naturally without having to use any fertilizers or toxic herbicides. Keep reading to learn how to get a thick lawn naturally.
Here are some suggestions, following these will make sure a lush and greener lawn:
- Core Aeration: It is important that you aerate your lawn in the fall. You can either borrow or buy a hand-held core aerator. Start off the aeration after watering your yard thoroughly. Get rid of plugs from your yard using the aerator. This will also make sure that a greater amount of oxygen, water and nutrients can reach the roots of the grass. Performing core aeration once or twice a year will greatly increase your chances of having a thick lawn naturally.
- Spread grass seed: Buy the same kind of grass seeds as the grass in your lawn, unfortunately, there are no seeds for Saint Augustine grass. Spread the grass seed over the entirety of your lawn and follow it with watering your lawn thoroughly. If you are planting grass in your lawn for the first time, it is important to ensure that the grass you buy is suitable for the climate of your area and does not need a lot of water.
- Dethatching: Get rid of thatch on a regular basis. Thatch includes stems, dead grass, and The buildup of thatch can cause the healthy grass to choke out. It is important that you rake it with either a hand rake or a power rake if your lawn is too big.
- Water appropriately: It is important to water carefully and control the amount of water you give to your lawn. While too less water can cause the grass to wither and thin out, over watering can also prove problematic. Avoid applying water daily. Watering at the right time is also a key. Early morning is the best time for watering too late can cause the grass to remain damp at night. Generally, a good amount would be a 1/2 an inch depth of water two times in a week.
- Lawn Cutting: You might be thinking of cutting the grass blades in your lawn really short so you do not have to mow again for a good amount of time. However, short grass blades are susceptible to insects and more vulnerable to the weather and lack of necessary nutrients. It is therefore recommended that you always cut less than at least one-third the length of the blades.
- Mulch grass clippings back into the lawn: Mulching grass clippings is a good practice. Scatter the grass clippings back into your lawn. This not only provides nutrients and promotes a lush lawn but also helps in retaining the moisture in the soil.
Fertilize regularly: Pick a fertilizer that is suitable for the kind of grass you have in your lawn. Commonly, spring and fall months require you to fertilize heavily. A day before you apply fertilizer, it is important that you do a deep watering. After using a broadcast spreader to apply the fertilizer, water the grass to wash it off the blades.