It is a labor that very few people enjoy but it needs to be done either way. Yes, watering the lawn is the most basic need of both the lawn and the plants in them. But there aren’t many people who enjoy it, or even like for that matter. However, they also realize that like it or not, the lawn just cannot survive without being watered regularly. And this is why some of the biggest mistakes while watering the plant happen. Not only do plants need to be watered regularly, they need to be watered regularly in a correct way. And so here are some of the most common lawn watering mistakes that people make. Make sure you avoid them and you’ll have a healthier lawn in no time.
The most common mistake that most homeowners usually make is overwatering. Plants and the lawns have a certain need of water no matter how dry the weather gets. While not meeting that need is a serious problem, exceeding that need is an even bigger problem. It is also important to bear in mind that each lawn has its own special need for water. This need is based on factors such as the climate, temperature and time of the year. It also depends a lot on what kind of grass you have on your lawn. A “one size fit for all” approach when watering lawns will end up doing more harm than good.
Another mistake is under-watering your lawn. How many times and how much should you water your lawn depends on a number of factors. However, it is well established that a new lawn’s water needs are much greater than an existing ones. This is one critical error that most homeowners make. Regardless of how young their lawn is, they water it on the same level as an existing lawn. The new lawn’s grass’s roots need as much water as possible to take firm hold. Also to become strong enough to fight off insects and weeds while ensuring the grass blades on top look as green as possible. Not enough water will lead to shallower and weaker roots.
The third mistake is a mistake that a majority of homeowners are guilty of; setting their sprinklers on automatic. Now, there’s nothing wrong with having sprinklers on automatic. It saves time and distributes water quite efficiently and effectively. However, as mentioned above each lawn has its own distinct needs. And apart from the lawn’s own needs, an automatic sprinkler system completely ignores various other factors. Factors like the temperature, the climate and the condition of the lawn. This mistake usually occurs because most homeowners don’t care about checking up on the sprinklers and the lawn often enough. The result is the sprinklers watering the grass even when there’s been a heavy rainfall. Or when the temperature’s freezing cold and yet the lawn is being watered with freezing water.
Of course, there are other mistakes too that homeowners make regarding their lawns. But most of them are variations of these three. If they ensure that none of these errors are allowed to take place, then a healthier lawn awaits them.